2008-3-24: Day SEVEN of Anthony's Heart Surgery

2008-03-24: Tubes & Wires out; Bandages in place

2008-03-24: Echocardiagram time
NOTE Added April 7th, 2020: Anthony's tragic return to the hospital for his second open
chest surgery plus two code blues was due to a staph infection given to him by a contaminated echcardiogram
wand (as per CDC report). In hindsight, this photo... is the exact moment where he is being infected.
One other baby was infected after Anthony. I do not know what happened to the nurse.

2008-03-24: EKG time

2008-03-24: Gettin' dressed to go home

2008-03-24: RSV shot done; time to take out the last IV

2008-03-24: Gettin' things together

2008-03-24: Wagon ride down to the car
Actually, his first wagon ride ever.


2008-03-24: In the car.........."Home, Jeeves!"

2008-03-24: Only shit......I'm home.

2008-03-24: Feelin' good to be home.

2008-03-24: FINALLY....sleeping in his own crib.