OLDER PAGE NOTE as of 2020: Anthony hasn't golfed in quite some time. He usually went with Grandpa, but even Grandpa doesn't golf that much anymore and Daddy is limited by his back issues,
sooo... Someday there will be more to post, but until then here's our older golfing page.

the county
we live in there are a ton of golf courses. Anthony has his own
clubs and goes golfing (when its warm) whenever he can. He mostly goes with
Grandpa, but Daddy's been invited once. He's doing very well. He can hit
the ball fairly straight, but obviously has to work on his power swing. Putting
is more his forte as he views the putter as more of a rake than a club.
Check out his progress below.

2011-04-03: The placement...

2011-04-03: ...addressing the ball...

2011-04-03: ...the wind up....

2011-04-03: ....WHIFF....

2011-04-03: ....WHACK!

2011-04-03: Daddy's turn.

2011-04-03: Anthony's turn.

2011-04-03: Grandpa was behind the camera.