OLDER PAGE NOTE as of 2020: Anthony started MMA training at 2.5yrs old and progressed through 16 belts from 2011 to 2018 (White, White with yellow stripe, White with orange stripe,
white with green stripe, white with blue stripe, white with purple stripe, white with brown stripe, solid yellow, yellow with black stripe, solid orange, orange with black stripe, solid green,
green with black stripe, solid blue, blue with black stripe, solid purple).
He stopped going just after they got in to MMA grappling, wrestling and punching. His sternum is till growing
and healing from his two operations back in 2008, such that when he puts a huge strain on his arms his entire chest begins to hurt. It got pretty bad, so he had to quit. :(
Too much swimming can produce the same result. He is thinking on restarting a martial art, but will need to switch to a different style. We'll see. In the meantime his older stuff is below.
call him Grasshopper! Anthony has already mastered the
first ten levels within the Dragon Dojo of the PreTeen Serpent. His reflexes
are legendary in their speed and accuracy. The power behind his fists is
enough to break any industrial strength reinforced plastic toy. He even mastered
the ancient technique of Chinese Lip Syncing. To hear his Boss Laugh is
to know fear. Anthony's senses have been honed to the point of being able
word 'candy' whispered
the mightest roars of a thousand tigers. And no one can defend against his
most feared attack: the Flying Frog Claw. Evil beware!
The name
of Anthony's dojo was Mt
Tam Martial Arts. It's run by a couple of
nice guys with a lot of pateince. Below are a handful of pictures and videos
from the first day of training to present-ish.
2020-05-13: Not all belts pictured as some newer ones are over his mom's...somewhere.
2012-06-07: Graduating from orange striped
belt to blue striped belt
2012-04-19: Some sword play
2012-02-16: Anthony graduating from yellow
stripe belt to orange stripe belt
2012-02-09: Sometimes Anthony is the only
one to show for class, so he gets some cool 1-on-1 time with his Sensai.
2011-12-15: Nunchuck play time
2011-11-22: Second level - White belt
- Yellow Stripe
2011-11-22: Receiving his next level belt
2011-11-22: Getting told he is getting
his next level belt