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Playgrounds and Jumpies

Anthony started his education in PreK in 2012, then K, and is now about to graduate 6th grade in 2020...during a pandemic. His grades across all grade levels are straight A's with some awesome teacher comments to boot. He will graduate 6th grade with an average of 98.97. Pandemic or no pandemic Anthony earned his A's this year hands down. I'm proud of how he's stuck with it during remote learning. Eventually I will post some pictures from the inervening grade levels, but for now see the fun below.

I'm not sure what 6th grade graduation will look like this year due to all these shelter in place orders, but last year Anthony had a very most spectacular graduation from 5th grade. Anthony practiced for months with the rest of his entire class during normal music class to perform a special graduation song for the teachers and parents at commencement. He and his friends Mila and Dominic were chosen to play guitar as a trio for accompaniment to the song. The video below shows it all. I was so proud of Anthony.

2019-06-13: Anthony's entire class performed a song for teachers and parents. He and his friends, Mila and Dominic, were chosen to accompany on guitar. Anthony and Mila on acoustic and Dominic on electric. Dominic didn't have his amp loud enough to hear and the microphone was too far away to hear Mila, so the guitar playing is 90% Anthony...and he did Awesome! (no other music, just them). The entire audience can be heard exclaiming amazement at the play. The ironic part is that guitar is NOT taught in this school district. Why? I don't know. I begged, but the teachers were no help what so ever, ssssooo....he learned on his own. (stupid school district)

2019-06-13: Possing with Grandpa with 6th grade deploma!!

2019-06-13: Possing with Daddy with 6th grade deploma!!

Intro to Kindergarten

2012-05-24: Open School Night. A chance to visit his future class room and meet his potential teachers. We met up with Anthony's friend, Dillon, from his pre-school.


2012-08-21: On campus returing paperwork and decided to stop by Anthony's future class room. We got his room assignment just the day before.

2012-08-22: Opening Day. Short day. Parents get to hang with the kids all day, meet the teacher, listen to principle speaches in the gym etc etc. Here's Anthony playing with Jack (i think) one of his new classmates.

2012-08-22: Anthony's kindergarten teacher Mrs. Bruton.

2012-08-22: The Kinder Playground. Fully fenced in with a Kinder-Garden behind me for the kids to learn about growing plants. (I lost the garden photos)

First Day of Kindergarten!!!

2012-08-23: Parents got to stay for the first 10 minutes of the first real day and listen to a story from the teacher.


2012-08-23: First day ....done. He was so tired. He said his head was on overload.

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